Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is your glass half-empty?

I think mine is in most cases, but does that make me a pessimist?, am not too sure about that…
It would depend on the state of the glass, of course; was it full or empty in the first place?… but yes, its true my inclination is towards half-empty!

What makes the glass half-empty and how to start making it half-full…
No, I don’t know the answers, this isn’t one of those self-help courses, and so I don’t want to dwell on the latter half of the question. I’ve learnt to expect the least out of life, out of people, out of situations….seems a rather illogical approach, but I must admit it works wonders. You go into a meeting with confidence of course, but not with the view that your thoughts will be appreciated, your ideas bought, so in any eventuality that you do get turned down there’s no disappointment…no sulking. Appraisals, Accolades, Awards, Relationships, Travel….yeah I know…the list is diverse and endless, but it applies in all these. It’s just my way, I could still end up in the lurch, and I know there’s no fool-proof way that can stop you from being hurt, from being trampled upon, from having regrets, from frustration.

And once in a while it feels good to see the glass half-full, don’t know what I started off with and what I ended up with anyway…me off to find a mug and fill it to half-full with my favorite drink….


Anonymous said...

Here goes....
> It would depend on the state of the glass, of course; was it full or empty in the first place?

Disagree! It depends on YOUR state.. were YOU thirsty or not... If yes, I bet it'll look half full and then totally empty ;) If not, all you'll see is a glass half empty and will wish to fill it rather than empty it!!
Well, that's the whole point! Before filling it, try emptying it and analyze if you liked it.. if yes,go in for a refill, if not, at least you didn't waste your time refilling something that you wouldn't enjoy ;)

> What makes the glass half-empty and how to start making it half-full…

If you haven't used the logic above and figured it out, let me give it away..... Get thirsty!! (All pun intended ;)

> I’ve learnt to expect the least out of life, out of people, out of situations…
Aw.. c'mon... I've had that glass bottom's up long time back.. not worth the refill! Well... at least you expect something... your glass is indeed half full (when compared to my empty one... see... alternate way to fill up your glass ;)

> You go into a meeting with confidence of course, but not with the view that your thoughts will be appreciated,

At least I go into meetings to take orders! We think/research/work and excel at executing the order, which is OUTSIDE the meeting... not figuring out where it came from ;)

> I know there’s no fool-proof way that can stop you from being hurt, from being trampled upon, from having regrets, from frustration.

Ever biked in a road that is downhill all the way??? Believe me, after a while, even downhill gets drab! The uphills are the ones that give you the feel of downhills (Of course this does not apply if you've been riding your Princess all along ;) One of my reasons to believe that Utopia dosen't exist... To know that everything's perfect, you need to know about the other side... suffering and pain.. but then, with those in, how's it a Utopia?

> me off to find a mug and fill it to half-full with my favorite drink

And don't forget to empty it!!! (Well, I'm hoping that its not the famed Texan Whiskey that u r havin ;)

Roweena D'Souza said...

hmm...really hard to guess!

Anonymous said...

> hmm...really hard to guess!

What? Whether the glass is half full/half empty or to line up a list of suspects??
--WasItHardToGuess??, alias, GuiltyAsCharged! ;)

Vogon Interpreter!! said...

hehehe looks like Rajesh has left his mark :)! on the page! LOL!
i couldbe wrong!!

and rajesh ifu happen to read this.. i put a disclaimer tht iw asonly guessing ;) KIK!!


IMHO why is the world always obsessed with the half full/empty glass ;)!!
i believe it should always be full !!
and if its empty.. fill it up !! ;)!

;) i try to keep mine full LOL!
jus kiddin!!..
anyways nice introspectioN!!

Bini said...

Nice thoughts..Half empty..half full..just depends on what's going on in our life at the particular time..i guess..Keep shining ..keep smiling and all will be well!